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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life's Big Questions

Hi there! Some people go through life never wanting to know the answers to the really hard questions. For me though, the really hard questions are all that matter. The problem is I've found a list of really hard questions that I can't seem to ever get the answers to. So I'm posing them here on my blog in the hopes Mr. Web will be able to answer them for more. If you know any of these answers, please do leave a comment and make it so these questions in my life stop following me around like annoying fly that I can't hit with the swatter.

  • When a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose too?
  • Does a slinky go anywhere on an escalator?
  • What is the answer to the equation Google x Google? How come there isn't a name for that number?
  • Can God create a rock he can't lift?
  • Why is a table called a table and a chair called a chair? How come a table isn't called a chair and a chair called a table?
  • How does Donald Trump get his hair to have that perfect feathered look? I've tried for years and just can't get it.

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